If designer handbags are your guilty pleasure, BrandFirst must make it to the top of your shopping itinerary in Tokyo. The store offers brand new, old new, and pre-owned luxury purses. BrandFirst’s key to selling at the lowest price possible is to source high-end handbags from different parts of the globe. No middle man means doing away with unnecessary additional costs.
BrandFirst boasts of a huge collection of designer purses that features some of the most sought-after labels including Hermes, Coach, Chanel, Fendi, and Louis Vuitton. Bag collectors in the quest for a certain handbag can make a request with the store and BrandFirst will oblige to search for it. Complementing their collection of arm candies is their stash of authentic designer watches that are offered at low prices.
BrandFirst staff are multilingual, they speak Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean.
What are on offer: Bags and watches
Brands on offer: Hermes, Coach, Chanel, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Tudor, Patek Philippe, etc.
Address: 1 Chome-18-7, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0021 (5-minute walk from JR Shinjuku Station)
Opening hours: 11am – 10pm
Phone: 03-6205-6685
Website: http://www.brandfirst.com/
Email: [email protected]